Villiger La Vencedora Toro and Robusto Cigars

LaVenceora Gentleman JackA few months ago I received a very nice package from the folks at Villiger Cigars containing a nice little box containing one of each side of their new La Vencedora cigars, a Robusto, Toro and Churchill, the three sizes offered in this new line. Also included was a bottle of Gentleman Jack. For someone who hasn’t drank in 27 years, I have a couple of nice bottles of liquor to offer guests. I assume that the La Vencedora is supposed to pair well with the Gentleman Jack, I’ll look to others to confirm or deny this. I do greatly appreciate the gift though! The La Vencedora release coincides with the company’s 130th anniversary, an impressive milestone for a family owned company. The majority of Villiger’s success has been in small, machine-made cigars largely in the European market, but over the last eight or ten years they’ve been making an effort to break into the premium market. I’ve enjoyed a good relationship with various management teams over the last 8 years, admittedly I took a break from them when they reorganized a few years ago, but with their hiring of René Castañeda as the president I’ve warmed back up.


Villiger_LaVencedora_ToroVilliger_LaVencedora_RobustoOver the last two evenings I smoked the La Vencedora in the Toro and Robusto, saving the Churchill for warmer weather, isn’t it supposed to be Spring? Anyway, the cigars are Nicaraguan puros, with little other information available beyond that. It’s billed as their first full-bodied offering, I found them to be on the high side of medium personally, with the Toro offering a smoother representation of the blend. The construction on these is perfect, considering they are made at Joya de Nicaragua this isn’t surprising. The flavor has some dry cocoa, some spice and wood. As I said, I found the Robusto to be more aggressive, I guess, and the Toro more suave. I have high hopes for the Churchill. I like that all three sizes are 50 ring gauge. In 5″, 6″ and 7″. I found these to be tasty and satisfying cigars.


I still like the Trill blend that they made a few years ago with Jochy Blanco’s Tabacalera Palma, but their newer offerings are very good. Thanks again to the folks at Villiger and Creativas Group Public Relations, Branding & Events for providing samples.


That’s all for today, until the next time,




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One Response to Villiger La Vencedora Toro and Robusto Cigars

  1. Lonnie W. Brooks

    What a great gift! Take care Craig!!