Tag Archives: Multi-vendor

The Smoke-onos Event at Best Cigar Prices in Drums PA

Yesterday I made the one and a half hour drive north to Drums, Pennsylvania to attend the inaugural Smoke-onos cigar event put on by Best Cigar Prices/Best Cigar Pub.  I remember when New Global Marketing, the predecessor to BCP took up about three quarters of the Fujipub Listserve.  This was a weekly e-mail full of specials from a dozen or so retailers back in the days before social media.  I haven’t known what the weather is in the Puget Sound area since it’s demise.  I’m sure there’s a couple of my long time readers that will get a chuckle out of this, but it won’t mean anything to most of you.  The fact that at least of my advertisers appeared on that e-mail regularly says something about their success.  Back to 2024, Best Cigar Prices decides to fill a void in cigar events in the region and puts on Smokonos, which is an amalgamation of Smoke and Poconos for those not keeping up.  This was a three day event with a dinner Friday night, the main event Saturday, and a brunch on Sunday.  If you find

They sold out of these 20″ x 200 cigars…I didn’t buy one.

yourself in the northeast PA area, you have to stop at the Best Cigar Pub for a meal and a cigar, it’s a great place.  I attended the main event only, and it was very well done.  Despite a steady drizzle, 600 attendees enjoyed themselves. They had tents set up in such a way that it was possible to avoid any rain if you wanted to.  I think there were 25 or so cigar companies represented, and most of the principle people were there. I was pleased to catch up with many old friends, and even finally met Justin Andrews, who I probably should have met years ago!  In addition to all of the cigar brands offering discounted purchases and deals,  there was food, beer and live music on hand throughout the day. The attendees received a backpack and travel humidor with their ticket price, along with a coupon book for a cigar (or cutter in the case of Quality Importers) from each vendor.  



The one moment I was turned off was when someone, and I don’t know who it was, took the stage to sing the National Anthem (which had been done already at the start of it on electric guitar), and made some editorial remarks that were political in nature. I didn’t see the need to repeat the National Anthem (for the record, the performance of our National Anthem is a pet peeve of mine, perform it as written, or not at all. It’s not a piece that requires personal interpretation. I’d be happy if anything but performance by a military band were outlawed!).  This was a place for cigar lovers to get together and smoke cigars and commune and catch up, not a political rally. I don’t attend those for a reason, and I don’t like it when people feel the need to inject their agenda where it doesn’t belong.  I feel the same way about religion, just so you don’t think I’m singling out the political zealots!   Apart from that incident, it was a great event. Laura Barlau did a great job organizing it. I will share this with her directly, but I saw a lot of people paging through their coupon books for the coupon they needed, and there’s an easy fix.  When they print the coupons, they need to put the company logo on the outside instead of the spine of the booklet.  A small thing, but would make things easier for everyone.  I skipped out before the bonfire, I hope the rain stopped and they managed to get that going!  I ran into the owner of another large retailer who used to put on a festival like this. He mentioned that his big mistake was leaving his retail store open and apparently there was quite a lot of shoplifting. Best Cigar Prices/Pub was closed over the three days of the event so they didn’t have this problem. All in all. it was a well executed event, the attendees seemed happy, the vendors seemed happy, it appeared to be a win! Thanks to the folks at BCP for including me.  


That’s all for today, sorry the pictures aren’t better. Until the next time, 




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