Tag Archives: chateau real

Wooden Indian Drew Estate Cigar Event, a Joya de Nicaragua and a Chateau Real

Saturday I took a drive with my friend Kyle down to the Wooden Indian Tobacco Store in Havertown, PA for a Drew Estate Event.  This store has one of the only Liga Privada branded lounges in the country and has a very nicely stocked humidor.  The new location is much more comfortable than their old one, which was very small and located tucked into an odd corner in a large strip center.  The store is now, quite wisely I think, located right next door to the Havertown Fire Company.  Marvin Samel, co-owner of Drew Estate, Dave Lafferty, Regional Sales manager, and the local rep, Kevin McCormack were there, as well as Alan Price, our local Cigar Rights of America Ambassador.  I was very fortunate to be able to get some much needed advice on traveling to Nicaragua in the coming weeks from Marvin and Dave, as well as a couple that just made the trip in the last few weeks.  I picked up a couple of Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Robustos that I enjoy quite a bit, and suggested the same for Kyle.  I kind of pride myself on being able to recommend a cigar that I think someone my enjoy, I’m sure all of us cigar nuts can do that to some extent, and Kyle really enjoyed the cigar.  I really like these myself, they are a nice, smooth, good tasting cigar that’s made very well.  The dos capos presentation is interesting and eye-catching, but I don’t really think it adds too much to the flavor of the cigar as far as I’m concerned.  I smoke this one well past the transition to the maduro wrapper.  It was a nice afternoon hanging out with the Drew Estate guys and an old friend who I don’t see very often (but lives within spitting distance of me).

Going a little out of order this time.  Friday evening my wife wanted a cup of decaf coffee from Wawa, which for those in other parts of the county is a very popular convenience store that has pretty good coffee. I grabbed a Chateau Real Gran Cru Perfecto and took a walk.  The closest Wawa is about a mile and a half away, so that’s a three mile walk with a great cigar.  I have really been enjoying these cigars since getting a box over a year ago.  They are perfectly made, have a great cocoa/coffee flavor and at 6″ x 54 fit the walk nicely.  The dark San Andreas wrapper is beautiful and tasty.  I have some questions about these for the factory when I visit.  I’ve smoked a bunch of these as well as the Small Clubs and really enjoy them.  I’m afraid the coffee wasn’t as hot as it could have been by the time I got home (temps were probably in the 40s), but I warned against that going into this, but it was a great walk with a wonderful cigar.

That’s all I have this time, I hope to have another update from Tommy for Wednesday so stay tuned.

Until the next time,



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Filed under Events, Review, Stores, Take a Cigar For a Walk

Take A Cigar For A Walk – Saturday February 12, 2011

In my last post, and several times in the past, I’ve alluded to the fact that a couple years ago I incorporated cigars into my “fitness” program.  After quitting cigarettes and having a motorcycle accident, I put on about 25 extra pounds.  I’m often criticized for complaining about being 195 at 6′ tall, but I found I was snoring more and just didn’t feel good about the whole thing.  We had a weight loss challenge at work (which I almost won) which I lost 23 pounds over the 3 month period.  I couldn’t have done it without my wife managing my diet, but a large part of my exercise was “take a cigar for a walk”.  I’d go out about every other night, regardless of weather, and smoke a cigar as I walked around the block.  I told this to a YMCA fitness person who came to work for a health fair and got yelled at and told to get a dog and ditch the cigars.  I explained to her that if I took a dog for a walk in the snow it would be once around the block and in, but with a good cigar I’d go once around the block and still have a lot of cigar left, so I’d go around again….still some cigar, so a third lap. In my mind cigars gave me 3 times more exercise than a dog…Anyway, I’ve put 10 or so of the pounds back on, and the vain aging guy in me would love to lose it again, but I don’t eat indiscriminately like I was (I would tear through a 6 pound bag of gummy bears in a weekend!).  I don’t want to sound preachy, especially for a “skinny” guy, but I tend to prefer sitting to exercise, I actually can’t stand the thought of going to a gym, but it’s possible to incorporate a fine cigar with a weight loss program!  I received an e-mail last week from Tommy, who has done a guest review here in the past, and he told me his story:

Like I said, I am over 125 lbs overweight. That may even be a bit conservative. I am only 5’-8”…and I think, should weigh around 170+/-. I am currently at 310 lbs! That’s right, 310 lbs! I am 34, have no energy, have three kids that I want to be able to play with, a beautiful wife that deserves much more (in the health scheme of things), and just overall out of shape. I have been 250+ lbs as long as I can remember. I grew up average in size, but became overweight through high school and have been increasing ever since. I did do a “program” a few years back (Body For Life, a 12 week fitness program) that helped me lose 50 lbs (from 300 to 250 in 12 weeks) by working out 6 days a week at the Y, and eating 5-6 meals a day, correctly. I worked hard for it…and it paid off. I was about to begin my second 12 week “tour” when my wife said to me, “honey, I really don’t like you losing any more weight as I like you just how you are…”. That (not her, or what she said…as she is not to blame) allowed me the excuse to stop the next 12 week program…and I have gained all of that back, plus 10+ lbs since. I have tried a lot of things, never really lasting more than a few days…as I get bored, tired…or I simply cave in to my addiction of food. I am strongly addicted to food, and I know it…as well as I know “addiction” as I ran an addiction program for a few years at my church. Anyway, I am simply stating that I understand “addiction”, addictions of any kind…but yet I choose to sit idle as I feed my body much more than it needs…in result, causing me to make the choice to do nothing about it, but sit at my desk at work.

I made a decision at the beginning of this year…a resolution…to begin a weight loss journey and to become fit. It’s now February…and I have not lost a pound! Why, because every day there is another excuse. It’s too cold, I will start tomorrow, I will start next Monday, I need to eat this last fast food binge purchase and then I will start. I feel like crap after each goal is not met…until the next day and I am hungry again.

I know this is getting off subject some, as far as walking…but this is where my problems start with me.

Now, as far as food goes, because I have started SO MANY “programs” with only to quit quickly. We are “country folk”…meaning that we like good, fried, southern foods. She is not willing to change everyone’s diet just to see me fail again. and, she has every right to believe that as I have only succeeded once out of 100 attempts at getting fit and eating right. So, the food portion of any program will always be a challenge…but yet I use it as another excuse to not start anything…because I tell myself why start with no support…but you must understand what my wife has dealt with, in regards to my many attempts ending in failure. Also, she has tried to help by limiting my food intake to reasonable amounts…but that blows up in her face as I get upset with her…as another person telling me, an adult what I can and can’t have…all part of the “addiction”. In short, none of us eat healthy, but I don’t see that part ending any time soon…and I know that I built the wall there…and built it high.

Back to the movement, something besides sitting. I should walk, and should TODAY. but Craig, to be totally honest with you…I say that nearly every day…just to crawl in bed and watch TV for hours after the kids have been put down…with no exercise having been done…and even more chores adding up every day…left undone. This, is no way to live and I want to change it.

So, I will do this. I will commit to you, to walk tonight while smoking one cigar. I have tone of great smokes, so there is never an excuse there. I will walk by myself if need be, and will enjoy a fine smoke…tonight.

I have many other reasons as to why I should get fit. I will save those for another time…but maybe…you begin helping me (only if you have the time, and are willing) to post an edited version of this story above. If I see this in the “public eye”, then maybe I will be pushed even more to begin something, without excuse (and it will 20 degrees tonight here in Tyler…so I will come up with many excuses in my head) and begin this journey.

Who would have imagined that a simple stick of tobacco could possibly be the key to losing weight…or at the least, a jump start to a new lifestyle.

Again, I must be honest…I have said this to myself and others many times over…that I will do this…TODAY…only to fail and go a few days before I wake up and try the same “crap” again.

So, thank you for writing back…if only that’s the last I hear from you on this…it has, at the least…given me the opportunity to succeed in something that I know I am capable of doing. oh, I’ve done the dog thing too…you are right, it works for one block…I look at the little fellow and tell myself he must be so tired and needs a drink…drop him off at the house…while falling into my recliner a few minutes later.

Thank you.


I felt good about inspiring Tommy in some small way, and I want to help him by encouraging him in his quest.  As much as I am a fan of sloth, I do happen to think that walking a couple hours a week with a cigar is a good thing, and do it as often as possible.  Tommy e-mailed me the other day and told me that he had returned from a 65 minute walk and I’m hoping to receive a review from him soon.  I’m hoping that I can feature more of Tommy’s “Take A Cigar For A Walk” reviews as well as any progress he makes in his quest here.  Please join me in encouraging Tommy, and, since walking is something everyone can benefit, take a cigar for a walk every now and then, regardless of your fitness level.  I don’t claim to be in any way fit, but I feel better for my evening walks!  As a matter of fact, I took a walk with a Chateau Real Small Club maduro (cut me some slack, it was 20F that night!) and it was good.  I may even dream up some kind of contest to go along with this.  Let’s be Tommy’s cheerleaders (without the skirts and sweaters….of course!), and hopefully this will become a recurring series here!

That’s it for now,

CigarCraig, not claiming to be a fitness guru in ANY way!



Filed under Editorial, Take a Cigar For a Walk

Snow, a La Vieja Habana and CigarSafari – Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It’s snowing here in South-East PA and I wanted to smoke something to celebrate the fact that I booked my son Corey and myself on a Drew Estate Cigar Safari in March.  Considering the snowy weather, I was hesitant to dip into my meager supply of Liga Privadas, I didn’t want to squander a Dirty Rat or a Flying Pig.  I couldn’t see smoking a No. 9 or a T52 in the cold and wet.  Chateau Real Maduros hold up nicely in the slop, but I’ve been smoking a bunch of them recently and I didn’t want to bore you more than normal.  I came across a La Vieja Habana Cuban Corojo Rothschild Luxo that I received at the booth at the IPCPR show last July.  I’ve always enjoyed the La Viejas for what they are, which is a mixed filler, budget cigar, certainly a good value cigar at somewhere around $50 a box.  Anyway, the cigar was quite enjoyable and burned well.  It was spicy enough to stand up to the brisk evening.

As I mentioned, my 21 year old son Corey and I will be heading to Esteli, Nicaragua in March to experience the Drew Estate factory, the Joya de Nicaragua factory and all that goes with it.  I’ve been eager to book this trip for some time, and can’t wait.  I’m not a huge Acid fan, but I’ve smoked a couple and haven’t died, and Corey has smoked a few and really enjoyed them, but we both have loved everything Liga Privada we’ve smoked, and I have a soft spot for Chateau Reals.  I even like a coffee infused Tabak Especial once in a while, and the Natural line is a very interesting change of pace.  I hope this trip will provide some interesting subject matter for this space as well!  I’m sure I won’t be able to shut up about this for a while!  I think I’ll spend the next 2 months packing..

That’s all I have for now, until the next time,




Filed under Review

Cigar Recap: Fuente, 777, Chateau Real – Monday January 3, 2011

First post of 2011!  I hope everyone had a safe and festive holiday and that 2011 is better than 2010.  Last year was a great year for CigarCraig.com and the coming year should be even better.  While I’m thinking about it, if you’re looking for a top ten list or a “best of” you can forget about it!  What I think about any of the new cigars this year is of little consequence to anyone, there were very few “new” cigars that I sampled and the few that I did I wasn’t really “wow’d” by.  I will say that the Liga Privada Dirty Rat is my favorite new cigar, but I received my first sample of that cigar in 2009, so it hardly counts!

Anyway, last week we had some fairly unseasonably temperate weather, so I grabbed an Arturo Fuente Double Chateau that was a gift from a friend.  It’s been years since I smoked one of these, and I was in the mood for a milder cigar for an afternoon walk.  Certainly a perfectly constructed and well balanced cigar, I honestly don’t know why I don’t grab Fuente products more often.  I have a handful of what I consider “special” Fuentes, various smaller Hemingways, Opus X, the odd Don Carlos, but I save them for some reason…probably because I figure I’ll never have them again if I smoke them!  Ridiculous, I know.  I promise to smoke some of these when the weather gets warmer or I have an good inside opportunity.

Next up was a re-visit of a cigar I smoked and liked a few months back, the J. Fuego 777 maduro corona.  I enjoyed this cigar again, but it didn’t hit me the same as the first one.  I blame the colder weather, I seem to prefer stronger flavored cigars in the winter, and I think this fits that, but obviously my palate misses some of the complexities when the mercury drops.  The size of this cigar is just about perfect for me at 5½” x 46 and the burn and draw were perfect.  I picked up a few more of these last week and I think they are a fairly good cigar for $4.50 each. I look forward to smoking more of these.

Tonight I got lazy, and, considering that the weather has taken a colder turn, I went with a familiar friend, the Chateau Real Small Club Corona Maduro.  There’s a couple things I really like about these cigars.  The size, 4″ x 44,  is great for my walk to the local convenience store and the strength of flavor is perfect for the colder weather.  These are wrapped with a dark Mexican leaf that gives the cigar a rich and earthy taste. I think this box purchase was my best of the year at right around $50 for a box of 32.

That’s it for now, until the next time,



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Merry Christmas From CigarCraig.com! – Friday December 24, 2010

I finally had the inclination and opportunity to enjoy a cigar the other night and reach for one of my current favs, a Chateau Real Maduro Small Club.  What a nice little cigar that is big on flavor and burns and draws as perfectly as a cigar can and rich flavors of cocoa and tobacco.  Also this week, I won an award at my place of business that added some cash to my Cigar Safari fund, so I hope to be booking that trip in the near future.  I can only imagine how cool that trip will be, I will do my best to document it as thoroughly as possible on these pages.  I also updated the Contest Winners page to include the latest winner.  We somehow had 13 contests this year and sent out nearly 50 cigars and assorted goodies.  I can’t begin to thank the companies who provided some of these great items, Drew Estate, General Cigar and Vegas de Santiago, I’ve never asked them for a thing, yet they provided some very nice stuff for me to give away!  I certainly enjoy giving away cigars from my humidor, but it’s more fun giving away other peoples stuff!

This week I sent out a couple of packages, one of which being the Joya de Nicaragua prize from last week.  Unfortunately it’s scheduled for delivery Tuesday, December 28 and will not arrive in time for Christmas.  I truly appreciate everyone’s participation in the contests, and in the comments section of these posts.  If it weren’t for my readers I could write all of this in a Word doc and save myself a lot of time and money, but you all make it worthwhile. I have high hopes that 2011 will bring new and exciting content.

So merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates, Happy Holidays to all, smoke some great cigars and spend time with your loved ones!!

Until the next time,




Filed under Contest, Editorial, Review