Last night we attended the very first Stooges and Stogies© event hosted by Chester County, PA author Jim Breslin. Jim had his friend Chris set up an outdoor screen and a projector (the old fashioned kind with reels and film!), set out a spread and had some kegs of microbrews on tap, and we watched Three Stooges shorts all night. I thought this was a great idea and took along some cigars to share. Of course, Stogies and Stooges go together, there were stogies present in several of the episodes we watched, which ranged from the early original Moe, Larry, Curly line up, wartime Moe, Larry, Shemp editions, to some later episodes featuring Moe, Larry and Joe Besser. Hilarity ensued. I
lit up a Casa Toraño Maduro Lancero for the pre-screening meet and greet and it was perfect. The Lancero size needs to me smoked slowly, so it’s almost the perfect size for socializing. Of course, I really enjoy the flavor of this maduro, lots of chocolate and espresso and it couldn’t have burned better. I was almost tempted to light up another one when I came across an Undercrown Corona Viva in my case. This may be my number one repeat cigar, I’ve
smoked a bunch of these over the past year and they never are a disappointment. They are terrific dark, rich cigars that suit my palate. I paired both cigars with a frosty bottle of Reeds Extra Ginger Brew and laughter.
Here are a few pictures from the event:
This was a great idea for an event, thank you to Jim and his wife for hosting it and inviting us to enjoy it along with you. Well done!
Rewinding a little, earlier in the week I took a walk with a nice Dignidad Del Hombre Orudam X Torpedo from Dignity Cigars. I first met Don Juan Gross at the 2011 IPCPR show. It’s funny the things that stick in your head, it was at the General Cigar reception at a nightclub called Lavo, I think, when I walked up to the bar to get a Coke and Don Juan introduced himself. I talked to him at his booth the next day, and have seen him at the shows for the last two years, but we never managed to get time for an interview (one of several regrets I have from this past year’s show). Don Juan makes some fine cigars in Costa Rica, and is based out of California. Super nice guy. Anyway, he laid this Torpedo on me in Vegas and I just got around to smoking it. It started off with a really nice sweetness and burned arrow straight. about half way through there was a flavor change, and I don’t often pick up on those. I’m sure they happen all the time, but I’m either not paying attention or don’t have the palate to discern them. Anyway, I picked up a distinct bitter flavor, not a bad flavor, it just amused me that it switched from sweet to bitter that quick. I think I have a couple more specimens from the Dignity line floating around, so I’ll be looking forward to revisiting it. I know I have an enormous Diadema measuring 9 ¼” x 55 from his SMOKE OF ART series that he gave me last year that I just haven’t found the time to smoke. If you run across the Dignity line, give it a try, and if you have a chance to meet Don Juan Gross, take advantage of it, he’s a super nice guy.
That’s it for today, until the next time,
Movies and cigars sounds like a great night together. Might have to talk my group into renting an outdoor screen and doing just this!