Another news item, this one from Fosforo cigars, a little brand that comes from the same factory that makes West Tampa Tobacco’s cigars.
Introducing the Fosforo Connecticut Cigar in Toro and Robusto Sizes
Fosforo Cigars, a leading name in the premium cigar industry, is thrilled to announce it is now shipping the expansion of its acclaimed Connecticut line with the addition of two new sizes: the Toro and Robusto to its current retail partners. This latest development caters to the diverse preferences of cigar enthusiasts, providing them with even more options to indulge in the exceptional quality and flavor that Fosforo Connecticut Cigars are known for.
The Fosforo Connecticut Cigar has long been celebrated for its smooth and mellow smoking experience, boasting a rich blend of top-quality Connecticut wrapper and carefully selected filler tobaccos. With the introduction of the Toro and Robusto sizes, aficionados can now savor this exquisite cigar in formats that suit their individual tastes and smoking occasions.
The Toro size offers a longer smoking duration, allowing enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the refined flavors and aromas that Fosforo Connecticut Cigars are renowned for. On the other hand, the Robusto size provides a more compact option, perfect for those seeking a well-balanced smoking experience that can be enjoyed in a shorter timeframe.
“At Fosforo Cigars, we are committed to delivering the utmost satisfaction to our valued customers,” said Jeff Moutett, Owner at Fosforo Cigars & Match Cigar Bar. “By introducing the Toro and Robusto sizes to our Connecticut line, we aim to provide cigar connoisseurs with versatile choices that reflect their discerning preferences.”
The Fosforo Connecticut Cigar in Toro and Robusto sizes are now shipping to authorized Fosforo retailers. With these new additions, Fosforo Cigars continues to uphold its tradition of excellence in crafting premium cigars that capture the essence of luxury and indulgence.
Corona Gorda (5.75 x 46) msrp $8.99 per cigar
Robusto (5 x 52) msrp $7.99 per cigar
Toro (6 x 50) msrp $9.99 per cigar
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
About 200 Bundles of each are available in this allocation.
Fosforo Connecticut will now be in core line production.