I Goofed, I Didn’t Use My CigarMedics HumidiMeter!

Sunday my wife and I went into Philly and saw the Philly Pops presentation of the Beatles Abbey Road with a Beatles tribute group called Classical Mystery Tour. I can do without the Beatles tribute part, it would have been fine with the Pops orchestra and a band a good singers playing the material. It was still an entertaining show, I’ve seen a lot of Beatles tribute bands and always have trouble with ones where the Paul character can’t be bothered to learn to play lefty. Anyway, traffic sucked coming home, as per normal, and I was quite ready for a cigar, and grabbed a recently acquired RoMaCraft Aquataine Knuckle Dragger. Here’s where I made a critical error. One of my pet peeves is when I light up a cigar that ends up being overhumidifed and it doesn’t burn right, it smolders instead of burns and doesn’t give you a great experience. It’s so hard to tell when you light a cigar what it’s going to smoke like. This particular cigar I had hoped would be a sure thing, and it turned out that it just wasn’t ready, it hadn’t been in my humidor long enough, and the shop I bough it from was new to me and their humidor is obviously a little high. Here’s where the Cigarmedics HumidiMeter tool comes in! I’ve been using this for the last month. Continue reading