Every day, Cigar Rights of America is actively defending the rights of growers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers of premium cigars. With the FDA’s intention of regulating cigars, their work has never been more important.
Because we’re committed to the health of the cigar industry, we’ve decided to donate 50% of retail sales on June 10-11th to CRA. You heard that right, half of every dollar you spend at BovedaStore.com is going to CRA to help keep the FDA out of your humidor and your decisions.
There’s never been a better time to stock up on Boveda. Forward this to your family with your Father’s Day requests, forward it to your cigar pals and let them know.
And by all means, show your commitment to the rights of cigar fans and become a member of CRA.
Charlie Rutherford, Business Development Director
I admire Boveda for taking the steps they have taken to support CRA.
CRA is working for all cigar smokers and I urge each of your readers to join. It is money well invested.
In addition, I have been using Boveda humidity control packets for three years or more and I have not found any product that does what Boveda does with such ease. No mess, no adding water, no hygrometer, just PERFECT humidity control with the greatest of ease. I highly recommend Boveda without reservation.