For the third year in a row my wife and sons and I were invited on a three hour New York City dinner cruise hosted by our dear friend Mitchell Orchant and his wife and daughter, along with Guy Hancock. Mitchell and Guy are international cigar merchants and host this party for their friends and customers. The venue was the Cabana, a Marco Polo Cruises boat out of the New York Sky Ports marina. We were able to board about an hour early, which was great since we had left home plenty early to avoid traffic and delays. We were each given really cool goodie bags with a couple cigars, some candies, little bottles of whiskey, cutters, matches, a lighter, all sorts of terrific stuff. There ended up being over 90 invited guests, and the boat had plenty of room on two decks. My sons both lit up the Grafton Reserva corona from their gift bags, which is a house brand for the Decent Cigar Emporium in Dublin, Ireland. This is made for them in the Dominican Republic and the boys enjoyed it and reported that it was a nice, mild smoke. I lit up a Room 101 Connecticut that I had gotten at the event I attended several weeks ago.
The Room 101 Connecticut is a very nice cigar, rich and flavorful with a perfect draw. After we set out to cruise the East River, and we finished our first cigars, sushi was being served and a jazz combo was playing on the lower deck. A lavish buffet was set out with salad, chicken, eggplant and manicotti, everything one could want. Once again, Mitchell outdid himself and pulled off a fabulous evening. After dinner my son, Corey, and I lit up some special cigars that we brought back from Cigar Safari last year, Liga Privada Dirty Rats in a 7″ x 44 size. The additional length seemed to mellow the blend a little and it was a fantastic smoke, loads of flavor and the extra two inches really added to the cigar. My son Christian enjoyed an Acid Kuba Kuba. The weather, which was threatening, held off and it ended up being a really nice night, kudos to the captain for steering around what little rain there was. Of course, the views of the city from the river are spectacular. The new Freedom Tower is stunning and we got good views of the Statue of Liberty as well as the East River bridges. We saw some old friends, and met some new ones, as usually happens at these sorts of events. We always enjoy getting together with Mitchell of C.Gars Ltd. and his family, and thank him once again for including us. Thanks, as well to Guy of The Decent Cigar Emporium for also being a gracious host. All great folks whom I’m proud to call friends.
Mitchell was kind enough to provide me with an autographed copy of his book, “Once Upon a Time in Cuba” to give away to a lucky reader. Don’t worry, it’s mostly pictures! I’ll throw in some assorted goodies along with the book as well. Usual rules apply, leave a comment to enter, if you’ve won in the past six months you’re ineligible (excluding the Christmas Giveaways). I’ll close the contest and announce the winner on my Sunday, June 10, 2012 post. Many thanks to Mitchell at C.Gars Ltd. for providing these goodies.
See below for some pictures from the evening’s festivities.
That’s about it for now, until the next time,
Looks like a good time! I lived in NY for 30 years and never made it down to NYC. lol
Thanks for the pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all who attended. Well, all who got their photos taken, anyways.
The Party sounds like great fun….Contact me if you need a wingman for next year…..tom mullen
Great write brother, especially enjoy reading about the Liga Privada Dirty Rats in a 7″ x 44 , that is sweet, had no idea there was even that size even at the safari! Pretty sweet to chill and smoke with your son, that is awesome! Another great contest brother, thanks buddy.
I was planning to attend but had to beg off last week due to unforeseen circumstances. I sure missed a good time.
Great pictures, looks like you guys had a good time, thanks for the contest.
nice, looks like a blast!!! thanks for the contest craig!
Awww Man Craig thats a bummer, still think of you when we drink out of our Gramalkin mugs. The cruise looked like a blast. Wish we could get away with that in Seattle although we might. Hmmmmm Maybe I’ll look into that..
Nice book to place on my coffee table!
Once again, I love your site and I am truly jealous about your dinner cruise. Keep it going!
Your article just made me realize…I’ve done dinner cruises in Seattle, San Francisco, and Key West. Each was very different, several years apart, but enjoyable in their own way. Sounds like I need to hit NYC some day to complete the corners of the 48…more or less.
Hey Craig!
Sounds like you got the same experience with the 7 x 44 Dirty Rat as I did with the Ratzilla. The longer size does seem to mellow out the smoke but also allows more time for the flavors to develop.
Never been to the big apple in all my Navy travels, I need to make it out there one of these days. But what a way to see it all on a dinner boat, with great company and with some great cigars. Will try and go out tonight and enjoying a cigar while we float out here in the middle of ocean.
Great times…it seems you had a good time! Being in NYC, I am surprised you were even allowed to smoke on a boat! Thanks for all of the photos as well.
Great contest…with a great prize!
Crusin on the river and smokin a stogie – doesn’t get much better than that!
Sounds like and excellent trip! I have not been to NYC before, did you post pics of the Freedom Tower? If so I am not sure which one it is.
Thanks for the contest.
I love that photo with the Statue of Liberty in the background.
My wife and son have been wanting to go to NYC for a couple of years now. this sounds like a good reason to give in to their wishes.
Wish I lived closer. would havew loved to see you , the family and of course Mitchell’s family….Oh well ( sitting at my desk in Spokaloo smoking a HDM rothchild)…..
That cruise sounds amazing.
Sounds like a great cruise. Thanks for the contest!
I’ve only been to NY twice, once for a very fast business trip (no sightseeing) and then again a year after 9/11 (I was able to sneak into ground zero and see the iron cross). Sounds like you had a great time! Still trying to get my hands on a Dirty Rat to try.
I was in the Decent Cigar Emporium in Dublin only last week Craig. Its a great shop and I picked up some interesting looking sticks that I’ll post on later in the week. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Take care.
That is so cool. I worked for APA out of North Bergen (they own the ferry business between NY and NJ) Went there once for a day. The cigar cruise would be very neat.
Anytime you can go on a cigar booze cruise is a good day. Thank you for the contest.
Sounds like a heck of a evening and wish i could have been on it.
thanks for the contest
I have never really followed a blog or care for any that I have read before, however, I truely enjoyed reading about your evening and learning a little about the Dirty Rat. It must have been great to share the experience with your wife and sons. My first son is due in 3 weeks and I can only pray he will want to do things like this with me 20 years down the road. Thank you for the contest, and you have another reader!
Sounds like a great time was had all around. Thanks for the great write up, and the great contest. Salute!
Great article, Craig hope all is well we still need to get together for a stick soon, enjoy the weekend
It looks like a really good time!
I’m so glad it’s mostly pictures. I learned to read at Evelyn Woodhead’s Sped Readen Course! (only funny to me)
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