IPCPR 2012 Day 1 Quick Recap

Day 1

Thursday evening found the CigarCraig.com team (that being myself and my adviser/publicist/partner in life, Jenn) attended the Gala Opening reception at the Hilton.  We got something to eat and made our way through the room meeting up with old friends, some of whom I had not met face-to-face before.  Among those were Kip Fisher from The Cigarmy/CigarMedia.tv and the folks from The Cigar Federation/Ezra Zion.  It’s always a treat to meet people you only know through written correspondence, it’s surprising how you almost always feel like you’ve known them all along.  Saw too many old friends to mention and ended up going to a big party Alec Bradley Cigars was hosting with old friends Mitchel Orchant of C-Gars.Ltd, Frank Seltzer, MangoJoe Phillips among others.  The party was night-clubbish, with a DJ, an ice sculpture, and the works.  They had an open bar, and people were lined up to get in.  They even offered bus service to shuttle people back and forth from the  convention center hotel. A very nice event, hosted by a great group of folks. We ended up calling it a night as we had been out much longer than we had planned.  Friday is opening day, and I needed my beauty sleep!


Stay tuned for continuing coverage as internet access allows!


From the 2012 IPCPR show in Orlando,







Filed under IPCPR

2 Responses to IPCPR 2012 Day 1 Quick Recap

  1. Shoot. Now I’m even more ticked off. It was bad enough that I figured out I couldn’t go to IPCPR this year. Then I found out The Lovely Jenn would be accompanying you, and I’d miss seeing her (does she still have the bustador?). And now, between your blog, and Facebook, I’m suffering severe trade show withdrawal…

    I spoke to Victor the other night and he mentioned he’d run into you and you’d chatted. I’m looking forward to trying some of his new stuff – you got it BEFORE I did! Vic’s reasoning was that I’m supposed to be on a “cigar embargo.” Screw that. He’s sending me some of the ones you reviewed, plus some others that are being introduced this week. You should be getting some good new samples, and I’m looking forward to comparing my tasting notes to yours. Hope you and Jenn have a great time.

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