Monthly Archives: December 2010

Joya de Nicaragua Contest! – Friday December 3, 2010

It’s been busy around here with the holidays and all, so I’ve been negligent in getting any new content posted.  That being said, I thought I’d just throw out a quick contest!  The prize will be a Joya de Nicaragua cap and cutter.  Come to think of it, that doesn’t seem to be enough considering the season, so we’ll add  a 5 count sampler box of Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970, consisting of a Machito, a Gran Consul, a Robusto Grande, a Belicoso and a Churchill.  These are great cigars and the cap and cutter are pretty cool too.  I’ll take entries in the form of comments on this page and tweets referencing @CigarCraig and the contest.  I’ll announce the winner sometime around December 19th, in hopes of getting the prize to the winner by Christmas.  I will randomly select a winner from the entries, with any luck in a creative way, but I can’t make any promises…

So bring on the comments!  Seasonal greetings are fine, whatever ya got!

Thanks to everyone for following along this year, and special thanks to my friends at Drew Estate for their support this year!

That’s it for now,




Filed under Contest