Monthly Archives: December 2010

A Couple of Cigars With an Old Friend – Tuesday December 27, 2010

In the midst of the Holiday hubbub I had the opportunity to sit down for a few cigars with an old high school friend who lives close by, but we never seem to get the time to hang out and smoke some cigars.  I caught up with Greg about a year and a half ago after 25 years or so and was delighted to find that we lived a couple miles apart, and that he shared a love of fine cigars.  We’ve gotten together a few times over the last 18 months, but this is the fist time we’ve had the chance to just sit an catch up over cigars. We met at our local cigar shop, JM Cigars in Exton, PA.  JM’s is one of the best shops in the area in my opinion.  Although the selection is fairly “classic”, the pricing is reasonable (for instance, a Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur No. 1 is under $6 last I looked).  You won’t find Tatuaje’s or Illusione or a lot of  Pepin Garcia cigars, but he did have a wide selection of Lito Gomez cigars and Cains, as well as quite a few Fuente lines.  I grabbed a couple of the Jesus Fuego 777 maduro coronas that I have enjoyed in the past and met Greg in the lounge and parked my ass in a oversized leather chair for the afternoon.  As Greg’s birthday was coming up I provided some of what I thought of as special cigars to mark the occasion.

We started the afternoon with a pair of La Gloria Cubana Artesanos de Tabaqueros 650s that were sent to me some time ago by General Cigar.  These are a “dos capas” cigar that start with a Connecticut Shade wrapper for the first couple inches, then moved to a darker Ecuadoran Sumatra wrapper.  This is really a nice cigar, very rich in flavor and perfectly constructed.  The transition from one wrapper to the other is subtle but noticeable. All in all I cigar I will happily smoke again.

Next cigars up were some Ramon Allones Specially Selected Havanas that had been kicking around the humidor for quite a few years.  I honestly don’t remember where these came from or exactly how old they were, but they were at least 5 years old and probably older.  These particular cigars were nice, firm cigars that were well packed.  They burned dead even and tasted fantastic.  Greg commented that there was a flavor that he couldn’t put a finger on, and I suggested that my guess was that it was that trademark Cuban flavor that makes Havana cigars distinctly different.  These were fantastic examples of the Cuban cigar rollers art and are a benchmark robusto that is a must try if you ever have the opportunity.

It was a great afternoon that was over too soon.  It’s always nice to catch up with an old friend over a cigar or two in a comfortable environment.

That’s it for now, until the next time,



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Merry Christmas From! – Friday December 24, 2010

I finally had the inclination and opportunity to enjoy a cigar the other night and reach for one of my current favs, a Chateau Real Maduro Small Club.  What a nice little cigar that is big on flavor and burns and draws as perfectly as a cigar can and rich flavors of cocoa and tobacco.  Also this week, I won an award at my place of business that added some cash to my Cigar Safari fund, so I hope to be booking that trip in the near future.  I can only imagine how cool that trip will be, I will do my best to document it as thoroughly as possible on these pages.  I also updated the Contest Winners page to include the latest winner.  We somehow had 13 contests this year and sent out nearly 50 cigars and assorted goodies.  I can’t begin to thank the companies who provided some of these great items, Drew Estate, General Cigar and Vegas de Santiago, I’ve never asked them for a thing, yet they provided some very nice stuff for me to give away!  I certainly enjoy giving away cigars from my humidor, but it’s more fun giving away other peoples stuff!

This week I sent out a couple of packages, one of which being the Joya de Nicaragua prize from last week.  Unfortunately it’s scheduled for delivery Tuesday, December 28 and will not arrive in time for Christmas.  I truly appreciate everyone’s participation in the contests, and in the comments section of these posts.  If it weren’t for my readers I could write all of this in a Word doc and save myself a lot of time and money, but you all make it worthwhile. I have high hopes that 2011 will bring new and exciting content.

So merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates, Happy Holidays to all, smoke some great cigars and spend time with your loved ones!!

Until the next time,




Filed under Contest, Editorial, Review

CigarCraig Joya de Nicaragua Contest Winner Announcement! – Sunday December 19, 2010

I have to admit to slacking off in the cigar smoking department lately.  It’s just been a combination of some dental issues, working some extra hours, the cold weather and the general business of the season.  All these things conspired to prevent me from enjoying a cigar.  I have to say that as much as I miss being able to sit down and relax with a cigar, it’s much easier than when I was a cigarette smoker…I never would have been able to go a day without, let alone a week or more.  Anyway, enough of my whining, I figure there’s about 23 people who are waiting to see who won some really nice Joya de Nicaragua Antaño cigars, a cap and a really cool cutter.  So, according to my records, the entries, in the order that they either commented or tweeted, are:

1. MoBarbq

2. Steve Christopher

3. Lloyd L.

4. patriotgeek

5. @Sharingsmoke

6. Duane Holmes

7. Chris McCann (honorable mention for daily tweets, thanks!)

8. jimbobber

9. Wayne Nye

10. k_mpez

11. Joel Scott

12. Doug

13. Darrell Doramus

14. Long_ashes

15. Tim

16. TriMarkC

17. kekoa kai

18. Jake

19. @BOTLMurph

20. Gordon

21. Dr. Hardcrab

22. Gus

23. Tommy Berry

Thank you to all of you for reading and leaving a comment and/or tweeting! I truly appreciate it.  So, lacking the creativity and gumption to come up with a really humorous and creative selection process, I resorted to the random number generator at which gave me the number 13!  Congrats to Darrell Doramus!  Please e-mail me your address so I can get this package in the mail to you.

We’ve had a really good year of contests in 2010, and with any luck we’ll have plenty going on in 2011 too.  I’ve already got 4 or 5 ideas lined up.  Thank you all again for following along on my silliness!

Until the next time,




Filed under Contest

Weekend Cigar: Xikar HC Habana Colorado – Sunday December 12, 2010

As the holiday season is in full swing, the opportunities to have a cigar become few and far between. Between the weather and the season it’s been busy in a non-cigar way.   Friday evening provided an opportunity for my son and I to attend a Xikar event at Old Havana Cigar Co. outside of West Chester, PA.  I had not tried the HC cigars prior and it seemed like a good time.  I picked up one of each of the robustos, a Connecticut, a Criollo and a Habana Colorado.  For purchasing three, I got one free, so I went with the Habana Colorado and smoked it there.  We all know that I’m not exactly a free spender when it comes to cigars, so it will surprise nobody to hear me say that I think the $8.25 price tag for these is too high, even with the free cigar I had some buyers remorse.  That’s not to say that the Habano Colorado wasn’t a fine cigar, it was, I just didn’t find it $8.25 good.  There are a lot of cigars that are just as good for less. Anyway, the cigar burned very well and lasted well over an hour, and was smooth and flavorful, and on the stronger side of medium.  I am looking forward to smoking the others in the near future, as they are well made and nicely blended cigars, but I don’t think I would purchase them again.  As far as the shop goes, the lounge is spacious and comfortable and the humidor was very well stocked.  It’s a little out of my way so I don’t get to this shop often, and only really ever go there when there’s an event that interests me.  I prefer JM Cigars in Exton,  PA as far as price, selection and friendliness, I just wish Jeff would have more manufacture events.

Don’t forget to enter the current contest, win some Joya de Nicaragua cigars and stuff.   Deadline for entry is close of business Saturday, December 18 (midnight).  Also, the folks at Thompson have some deals going on that they asked me to pass on, see for more information.

Until the next time,




Filed under Events, Review, Stores

This Week’s Cigars: Acid, Padron, Cohiba, Fuente – Monday December 6, 2010

I’m a little conflicted about this weeks reviews.  A week or two ago I received an unsolicited e-mail from the folks at Thompson Cigars offering to send me some samples for review.  Thompson has been around for many years, and has a bit of a reputation as an aggressive marketer.   I’ve been unfortunate enough to have smoked some of their house brands in the past, but I have taken advantage of the occasional deal advertised in magazines.  I have to think that they have been in the business for so long because they do something right, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. They were kind enough to send me four cigars for review, none of which were house brands.

One of the cigars was an Acid Blondie Belicoso.  To their credit, they had this cigar bagged separately from the other three.  I’ve become a big fan of Drew Estate’s traditional blends, Liga Privadas are in my top 5, and I even enjoy the occasional coffee infused Tabak Especial, but I never envisioned myself smoking an Acid.  Many years ago my wife smoked a Kuba Kuba and I tasted it and cringed.  So it was with some hesitation that I lit up this odd smelling Blondie.  Now there can be no doubt that they use excellent tobacco in these cigars, and they are expertly crafted.  I must admit to rather enjoying this cigar.  The saccharin sweetness on the head was a little much, but the flavor wasn’t terrible, mild and nutty.  It burned perfectly, was reasonably mild and inoffensive.  The next morning my wife mentioned that my jacket smelled like perfumed kitty litter…which I though was pretty funny!

The next cigar I smoked was a Padron Londres.  It’s been ages since I smoked one of these, and it’s nice to know they haven’t change.  You can always count on the Padrons to make excellent cigars, and this one was no exception.  It was a rustic looking cigar, the natural wrapper had seems that were lifted and veins galore.  As ugly as it was, it burned and drew right up there with the best of them.  It had bold flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco which was neither too strong, or too mild.  It was just right.  The 5½ x 42 size is among my favorites as well, which was a large part of my decision to grab this one next.

Following the Padron I smoked a Cohiba Lonsdale Grande which measures in at 6¼” x 47, which is a nice size for a cigar.  The Cohiba brand as a whole is not one I normally purchase, not sure if it’s due to the perception that I’m not getting the bang for the buck that I’d like, but I generally enjoy them when I’ve smoked them.  The Cohiba sports a nice looking and toothy Cameroon wrapper, which is the main flavor I get, which is good since I love a nice Cameroon wrapper.  The construction is excellent, as one would expect.  Overall I enjoyed this cigar, but, as I said, not one I would generally pick up.

The last cigar in the bunch was an Arturo Fuente Chateau Series King B, saved until last because this was the one I looked forward to the most.  This was a beautiful belicoso, measuring 6″ x 55.  It has a sun-grown wrapper with a reddish hue.  The flavor was fairly delicate and subtle, with some sweetness and cedar.  This is one cigar that I will look for in the future as it is definitely a cigar I’d like to smoke again.

All in all, this was a terrific bunch of cigars.  I am rethinking my opinion of Thompson Cigar Co.  As I said, they have been around a long time and are obviously doing something right.  I have purchased cigars from many of the major outlets, and they all write the same silly things in their catalogs, this cigar is better than Cubans, and other embellishments. It’s unfair of me to single one out, especially one that, as far as I can tell, is privately held and not owned by one of the big cigar companies, and has been in business for 85 years.   I appreciate them giving me the opportunity to sample these cigars. Please give them the benefit of the doubt as I have.

Don’t forget to enter to win some cool Joya de Nicaragua stuff by leaving a comment on my last post.  Contest ends December 19, 2010.

Until the next time,



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