Video: Herics Cigar Measuring Tape Review

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and everyone is getting over to the last post and entering to win the E. P. Carrillo goodies I’m giving away!  Go to and leave a comment to enter.  I’ll select a winner on Sunday! E.P. Carrillo’s Encore was Cigar Aficionado’s number one cigar of the year for 2018 and I thought it was well deserved. I can’t say for sure, but one might find its way into the prize pack!  Anyway, it’s been a busy week, but I managed to find a nifty little cigar product to review, and I figured a video was the best way to present this one. So take a few minutes and have a look at the video if you will.

The Herics Cigar Measuring Tape isn’t something everyone might need, but it certainly makes life easier if you absolutely have to know the measurements of your cigars, and you have especially hard to measure cigars, such as the box pressed cigar like the one I demonstrated on in the video. I know I’ve struggled with calculating the ring gauge of non-round cigars, not that it matters over-much in the grand scheme of things, but it adds to the enjoyment for many of us. It’s a welcome addition to your cigar toolbox. Check it out at and stay tuned for a chance to win one in an upcoming giveaway!


Until the next time!





Filed under Accessories, Review, Video

3 Responses to Video: Herics Cigar Measuring Tape Review

  1. Mitchell Smith

    That’s a nifty little tool

  2. jjo

    As someone who does reviews, that would be a great item to have. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the info, Craig!

  3. Jared Berel

    Maybe I could use it to shorten a cigar. Lol
    To all have a healthy and safe new year